Sylvia Plath, a well known female poet who lived between the years of 1932-1963 is a poet with a lot of poems that are deep and very relatable. With a troubled marriage with Ted Hughes and her own personal trauma of her father’s death, she took her life in her 30s but yet had a literary following before that. Her poems are and were about the deepest feelings and she is one of the most adored poets of the 20th and 21st century. According to Thomas McClanahan, “at her brutal best—and Plath is a brutal poet—she taps a source of power that transforms her poetic voice into a raving avenger of womanhood and innocence.” In her studies, she excelled at it and won numerous awards. It was during her undergraduate years that Plath began to suffer the symptoms of severe depression that would ultimately lead to her death. In one of her journal entries, dated June 20, 1958, she wrote: “It is as if my life were magically run by two electric currents: joyous positive and despairing negative—whichever is running at the moment dominates my life, floods it.” She attempted suicide many a time and killed herself in the year 1963, thereby ending the life of an incredible poet who is well known well after her times.
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